In 2010 Mike was supported by current and former State
Representatives, Judges, Mayors, School Board Members, and
members of City government.
Mike was proud to be supported by the Tarrant
County Law Enforcement Association. |
Mike was rated the most qualified candidate
in the 2010 Tarrant County Bar's Judicial Qualification Poll.
Mike received a rating of "Qualified" or "Very Qualified" from
94% of respondents. Mike received almost three times as many "Well
Qualified" votes as his opponent.
In 2010 Mike was endorsed by the Tarrant County Republican Assembly,
"the Republican Wing of the Republican Party." One objective of
the TCRA is "to promote conservatism in the tradition of the
Founding Fathers."
Mike was also endorsed by
DFW Conservative
Voters which looks for candidates who share their belief in
“traditional family values, low taxes, and limited government.”
Mike was endorsed by the Texas Home School Coalition.
Mike Hrabal has the "credentials, demeanor
suitable to the bench." |
In 2010, Mike was supported by every Republican
County Commissioner and Constable in Tarrant County, as well as
District Clerk Tom Wilder and County Clerk Suzanne Henderson. He was endorsed by over 170 Republican
Precinct Chairs, as well as many attorneys and involved citizens.
Mike was also supported by Steve Hollern and Pat Carlson, former
Tarrant County Republican Party Chairpersons.
Add your name to those on this page!
Enter your name and email address below and
Mike will add your name to the list of those who support him.
Each name is a testament to the power of individuals to have an
impact on government. He will also add you to his email list and
provide you updates on the campaign.
In 2010 Mike was
very honored to be supported by:
Colt Ables
Debbie Adame, Attorney
Hon. Rufus Adcock (former Judge, Cty. Crim. Ct. #6)
Jack & Nancy Adler
Barkat Ali
Ann Alley (PC #1142)
Wayne Arendsee
Stephany Ashcraft
Dale Atteberry (PC #2169)
Adam Auten (PC #2228)
J. W. Autem (PC #3197)
Daniel R. Bacalis, Attorney
Bryan Baskin (PC #2266)
Mona Bailey (PC #3333)
Scott Barber (PC #4503)
James Barnett (PC #1408)
Leslie Starr Barrows, Attorney
John Austin Basham
Jim Bearden, Attorney
David Beck
Ed Bell, Attorney
Jane Berberich (PC #1105)
Paula Berry (PC #2317)
Laraine Bethke (PC #2358)
Craig Bickley (PC #3363)
Wade Birdwell, Attorney (PC #2557)
Dan Blumburg, Attorney
Kaye Lynn Boll, Attorney
Antoinette Bone, Attorney
Paul Boudloche, Attorney
Richard Bourland, Attorney
Daniel Branscum (PC #3507)
Constable Dub Branson (Pct. 4)
Jimmy Braziel (PC #2318)
Sandra Breaux
Wanda Brewer (PC #1151)
Becky Britton (PC #1207)
Charlie Broadaway (PC #3526)
Norman J. Brown (PC #3385)
Pat Brown
Jane Burch (PC #2379, SREC Dist. 9)
Constable Clint Burgess (Pct. 7)
Robert Bueker (PC #3361)
Tim Burrow (PC #3469)
Zach Burt (PC #1001)
Lisa Callaghan, Attorney
Stacy Callaghan (PC #2220)
Kevin Carey, Attorney
Pat Carlson (PC #3199, former Tarrant County Rep. Party Chair)
Andre Carter
Karen & Ron Carter
O. K. Carter, Columnist
Robert Carter (PC #3260)
Mary Chaisson
Lee F. Christie, Attorney
Mark Cochran, Attorney
Anne Coker
Carol Cole (PC #3166)
Denise Collins, Attorney
Ron Compton (PC #4107)
Bob Conlin
Bret Coody (PC #1603)
Jerry Cook (PC #1165)
Theresa Copeland, Attorney
Jerry Cosby
Constable Jerry Crowder (Pct. 1)
Gloria Cummings (PC #1009)
Kenneth Dale
Sharon Dale
George Dalton (PC #3321)
Mark Daniel, Attorney
Marilyn Davis
Ray Davis
Paula Day (#4182)
Gene DeBullet, Attorney
Ben Deckert (PC #4369)
Rich DeOtte
Brandy Derrick (PC #2031)
Lindsay Devos, Attorney
Julie DeVito
Craig Dickson, Attorney
Brenda Dietrich (PC #2145)
Beryl Dowd (PC #3387)
Joel Downs (PC #3213)
Donald Doyle (PC #1004)
Vernon Drewa
Ralph Duggins, Attorney
Bill Eastland (PC #2168)
Darl Easton (PC #3036)
David Ellis (PC #2636)
Harlan Estes
Judy Estes
Lisa Estes
Sue Eubanks (PC #3335)
Mark Evans (PC #3054)
Bruce Ferguson (PC #4276)
Hon. Gary Fickes (County Comm. Pct. 3)
James Foley, Attorney
Matt Foster
Becki Fowler
Larry Fowler, Attorney
Paul Francis, Attorney
Jerree Frazier (PC #3063)
Paul Fuller (PC #2426)
Steve Gage
Viki Gage
Pat Gallagher, Attorney
Oscar Garcia (PC #1437)
Jo Ann Gasper (PC #3330)
James Giffen (PC #3039)
Hon. Bob Gill (former Judge, 213th Dist. Ct.)
Lynn Gill
Barbara Girouard (PC #3329)
Christopher Goetz (PC #1095)
Paul Goetz, Attorney
Stephanie K. Gonzalez, Attorney
Diana Gooch
William Gooch
Mel Goodson
Doreen Goodson
Katherine Goodwin
Jim Gordon, Attorney
Robert Grace (PC #4498)
Ross Griffith, Attorney
Wendy Hackler, Attorney
Jennifer Hall (PC #4124)
David Halvorson (PC #3038)
Katy Hamilton (PC #4290)
Lee Hamilton
Charles Hamm, Attorney
Bruce Hammond
Thomas Hanes
Connie Hanson
Mark Hanson, O.D. (PC #2055)
Alan Harper
Stan Harper
Nancy Harrison (PC #3530)
Lowell Harward, Sr. (PC #3325)
Hon. Chris Hatch, CPA (FWISD Board Member)
Helen Hatley (PC #2521)
Craig Hazen
James Heath (PC #2393)
David Hecht, CPA
Donald Helm (PC #1337)
David R. Helt (PC # 4096)
Suzanne Henderson (Tarrant County Clerk)
Robert Henry (PC #3390)
Ann Hicks (PC #2307)
Karen Hilger (PC #3209)
Constable Zane Hilger (Pct. 3)
Roy D. Hill
Deborah Hinckley (PC #4047)
Steve Hollern (PC #4342, former Chair Tarrant County GOP Chair)
Mary Holley
Matthew Holmes (PC #3417)
Dawn Horton (PC #2488)
Kristina Houser (PC #1568)
Chris Howe (PC #4250)
Allan Howeth, Attorney
Vince Hrabal
Joe Hubbard (PC #2439)
Eric Hulet (PC #3421)
Billy Hunter (PC #3327)
Carolyn Hurd
Randall L. Hurr, Attorney
Elly Hutcheson (PC #1117)
Steve Irwin (PC #2525)
Robert Isinghood (PC #1206)
Carolyn Jackson
Calvin Jackson
Jessica Jackson (PC #3260)
Frank X. Jacobini, II, Attorney
Bill James (PC #2281)
James Jay, Attorney
Ruben Jimenez (PC #4094)
Stella M. Jimenez
Cathryn L. Johnston (PC #4191)
Hon. J. D. Johnson (County Comm. Pct. 4)
Dr. Erbin Jones (PC #2467)
Karen Jones (PC #1606)
Mark M. Jones, CPA
R. David Jones, Attorney
Larry Kauffman (PC #2313)
Leah Kessler
Hildy Kidman
Richard M. Kilgore, Attorney
Heather King, Attorney
Kay King
Rochelle King (PC #2448)
Charles Knerr
Donna Korman (PC #2314)
Ruth Kratzer (PC #2635)
Matt Krause (PC #4429)
Constable Joe Kubes (Pct. 6)
Mrs. Roy Kurban
Markus Kypreos, Attorney (PC #4116)
Faye Landham (PC #2027)
Pamela Latham (PC #4118)
John Langston
Skip Leake, Attorney
Sara Legvold (PC #3386)
Joanna Lemley
Otis Lemley
Chris Ah Leong, J.D. (Former State Chr, NV
Young Republicans)
Melissa Leyba
David Lineham (PC #3289)
Bill Loflin
Ellen Lopez
April Loredo
Rebecca Lott (PC #2026)
Brian Luenser (PC #1022)
Stuart Lumpkins, Attorney
Janet Lynam (PC #4454)
Brent Lyon (PC #4338)
George Mackey, Attorney
John H. Maddux
Guy Manning, Attorney
Michael D. Marcus (PC #3529)
Allison Marks
Bob Marks, Attorney
Kim Martin (PC #3032)
Jennie Mathis, Attorney
Priscilla Mathis (PC#2425)
John Mark Matthews (PC #2003)
Ray Matthews (PC #1347)
Karin Mayer, Attorney
Robert McCaffity
Curtis McCaffity (PC #3637)
Jason McCaffity
Linda McCaffity
Tresa McCaffity (PC #3368)
Jeffrey McCombs, Attorney
Bert McDaniel (PC #1170)
Debra McDaniels
McDonald Sanders, P.C., Law Firm
George "Mack" McKee (PC #2229)
James McKimmey (PC #1264)
Malcolm McDow
Melba McDow (PC #2219)
Mike McGartland, Attorney
Constable Robert J. McGinty (Pct. 2)
Jean McIver (SREC District 12)
Dr. Marlene McMillan (PC #3247)
Michael McProud (PC #2522)
Gary L. Medlin, Attorney
John & Janie Meek
Cindy Mendoza, Attorney
Thomas Michel, Attorney
Greg Milini (PC #3485)
Monte Mitchell, Attorney (PC #1270)
Patrick Modrovsky
Marjorie Moffitt (District 94 Area Leader & PC #2468)
Brandon Moore (PC #3212)
Mary Morris (PC #2267)
Duane Morrison (PC #4252)
Scott E. Moseley, Attorney
Hon. Anna Mowrey (former State Rep. Dist. 97)
George Muckleroy, Attorney (PC #4230)
Suzanne Munoz (PC #4162)
Kimberly Naylor, Attorney
Buster Neubauer (PC #3326)
Frank M. Newman, Jr., Attorney
Andrew Neyhart (PC #3072)
Don Nix, Attorney
Warren Norred, Attorney (PC #2535)
Ken Noveroske (PC #4155)
Caryn Oldham (PC #3552)
Lee Roy E. & Lou Olson
Charles Orean (PC #3322)
Carole Orth, Attorney
Gerry Orth, Attorney
Susan Orth
Anthony Osei, Attorney
Mike &
Diana Overstreet
Brad Parker, Attorney
Joseph Parris (PC #1377)
Mary Jo Patten (PC #2171)
Richard Patterson (PC #3140)
Brian Pearce (PC #4077)
David J. Pels, Attorney
Richard &
Delores Pell
William D. Perdue (PC #2355)
Art Perry (PC #2520)
Kurt Peterson (PC #4531)
Andrew Piel, Attorney
Chip Pierce (PC #1300)
Robert Piwetz, Attorney
David P. Poole, Attorney
Rick L. Powell, Attorney
Andrea Pringle
Shelly Pritchard (PC #4374)
John Proctor, Attorney
Felicia Putnam (PC #3443)
Tom Quinones, Attorney (PC #4218, SREC 12)
Sean Rafferty (PC #4203)
Hon. Anthony Reed (Haltom City City Council)
Scott Roark (PC #1019)
Rick Roberts (PC #3287)
Angela Robinson, Attorney
Art Rogers (PC #4242)
Thomas Roney
Paul Rothband, Attorney
Harold A. Rumzek, Ph.D. (District 98 Area Leader & PC #3510)
James Sadler, Attorney (PC #1104)
Patti Schade (PC #3035)
Leigh Schenk, Attorney
Karen A. Schroeder, Attorney
Chip N. Searcy, Attorney
Jill Setzer, Attorney
Cynthia Severson (PC #3545)
Brad Shaw, Attorney
Don Shipe (District 97 Area Leader & PC #1339)
Roy Shockey (PC #3554)
Sandra Shotwell
Brenda Silcox (PC #4163)
Kalman Silverberg (PC #4130)
Jason Simon
Donna Smiedt, Attorney
Brian Smith (PC #2537)
Colby Smith
John Smith
Judith Smith (PC #4397)
Kate Smith, Attorney
Hon. Todd Smith, Attorney (former State Rep. District 92)
Hon. Guy Snodgrass (Mayor Pro Tem Dalworthington Gardens)
Daryl Soward, CPA
Nina Speairs (PC-elect #4045)
John Spivey
Rodney Spotts (PC #1480)
Amy Stagner
Brian Stagner, Attorney
Andrew Stasio, Attorney
Keren Stein (PC #4495)
Joyce E. Stevens, Attorney
Sheila Stevens, Attorney
Sheila Stewart, Attorney
Paul Stockard (PC #1227)
Andy Stoody (PC #3365)
Kellee Strong
Chris Surles (PC #2269)
Shellie Surles (PC #4591)
Jim Sutton (PC #4410)
Larry Sutherland
Janet Swords (PC #1189)
Jamie Taylor, Attorney
Dirk Taylor (PC #2217)
Korin Tedford
Peggy Thomas (PC #1273)
Koren Thompson
Susie Tonymon
Danna J. Trowbridge (PC #1255)
Ian Truehitt
Karen Tucker, R.N.
Deputy Paul Tucker
Toby Tyler, Attorney
Lori Urso
Dr. Richard Urso, M.D.
Hon. Marti VanRavenswaay (County Comm. Pct. 2)
Aaron Walker (PC #1062)
Benny Walker
Jane K. Walker (PC #4340)
Carey F. Walker, Attorney (PC #2280)
Bev Walsh (PC #1380)
Cindy Ward (PC #3424)
V. Wayne Ward, Attorney
Cynthia M. Ware
Clifton Watson (PC #3516)
Bill Waybourne, DWG Dir. of Public Safety
Laura Waybourne
Fulton Welsh (PC #2181)
Gary Werley, Attorney
Bertha Westerman (PC #3193)
David Whitington (PC #3422)
Joan Whitley (PC #3187)
Hon. Tom Wilder (Tarrant County District Clerk)
F. Gail Wilson
Stan Winters, CPA
Richard Wiseman, Attorney
Kyle Whitaker, Attorney
W. Bernard Whitney, Attorney
David A. Williams
Sandra Wilson (PC #1298)
Nan Wilsterman (PC #1265)
Mark Worcester (PC #3156)
Ryan P. Wray, Attorney
Dan L. Wyde, Attorney
Rachel Wylie (PC #1024)
James Wynne
Brian K. Yost, Attorney
Hon. Bill Zedler (State Rep. Dist. 96)
*Offices shown for identification purposes only -
List current as of last website update